Personal Health Records (PHR) Management Portal
The core objective of CareXeon’s Personal Health services is to simplify access to patients’ health records. This is an extremely important challenge, because simplified access to records enables physicians to optimize diagnosis and treatments, while enabling patients to keep track of their health records.
Over the course of their lives, patients are examined by many physicians at different medical centers, meaning that their medical records are stored at multiple locations in disparate EHRs. Unfortunately, most current solutions force patients to create several web accounts with limited time accessibility. These solutions are expensive and ineffective.
One Patient – One History – One Resource
Using innovative and advanced SaaS solution, CareXeon aggregates all the medical records of the patients from all their present and past accounts, creating a one-stop complete information resource. Our exclusive, unmatched software solution enables us to pull all the records from all the providers, even if the accounts have been closed or were kept as paper forms. The records are collected from doctors, hospitals, pharmacies, imaging centers, nursing homes, and even from the patient’s health plans.
In addition to gathering providers’ information, we also work with patients to recover old paper records and collect family history, adding the information in a chronological order to the existing records. For each patient we create a well-structured, data driven PHR, much like an EHR. Patients can manage their health records with no time limits, while physicians can access them easily at any time and place. Our PHR engine is a multi-dimensional ‘Data Store’, capable of supporting Big-Data Analytics, ACOs, PHM applications.
The Powerful Solution You Can’t Ignore
CareXeon’s PHR solution is critical for every medical center and for every provider for maximizing operating efficiency and helps to improve patient satisfaction and loyalty level. Our PHR, on-demand, syncs with the physicians’ EHRs and other service provider portals, and records are updated in real time with office visit reports, , new lab results, medications pickup or reorder status.
The PHRs are used to complete intake forms prior to appointments. During check-in patients don’t have to fill out many of the mundane and routine forms, ever. Best of all PHR is portable, sharable, printable and free to keep!