Patient Focus
CareXeon’s Personal Health Records Management Portal empowers patients to manage their own medical records easily and permanently. This is a significant benefit because keeping track of medical records can be almost impossible if the patient’s information is stored at multiple locations in disparate EHRs.
Although patients have the right to receive all their personal health information, their reports and records are often sent only to service providers. Collecting information becomes even more difficult when visiting several doctors or when moving in and out of HMO-PPO networks due to employment situation.
Today patients are forced to create several web accounts to see their results or pay bills. Most of these accounts become inaccessible once they change their health care providers.
But not necessarily! CareXeon’s solutions have been designed to aggregate patient information from all the past and present accounts, and create a broad and more accurate perspective of the patient’s health condition. Our unparalleled and unique services extract all the patient’s old records from former providers, even if the accounts have been closed or written on paper.
Furthermore, we help patients gather old paper records, including the collection of their family history. We scan, index and chronologically organize everything for the patient. We also provide links to collect user generated information that is useful for the patient’s doctor, like information on over-the-counter medications, exercise habits or sleep habits.
Since most of the gathered information is crude and unstructured, CareXeon will create an up to date PHR for each patient! The new PHR is now well structured, much like an EHR. Patients can now manage their health records permanently, in most cases for free. Our PHR engine is a multi dimensional Data Store, capable of supporting Big-Data Analytics, ACOs and PHM applications.
CareXeon’s PHR is now synced with the doctor’s office EHRs and with the service provider portals. Patients’ records can now be updated in PHR in real time, keeping the information up to date. When a physician changes a patient’s EHR or receives new lab tests, the information is automatically updated in the patient’s PHR.
PHR is used to complete intake forms prior to office visit appointment. At the time of Check-In, patients don’t have to fill many of the mundane and routine clipboard forms. And best of all, PHR is portable, sharable, printable and free to keep.