Compliance & Reporting
Delivering healthcare demands innovative, efficient and powerful information management tools, reducing time and cost while maintaining compliance with privacy regulations. Patient information must be digital and interoperable between numerous systems. Providing the records on time, in compliance with HIPAA’s privacy and security rules is not a choice but a law enforced necessity.
Hospitals and Individual Providers must implement the appropriate level of privacy and security measures to protect the use and disclosure of Protected Health Information – PHI as defined by HIPAA and HITECH rules. Healthcare entities and business associates must exhibit constant and active monitoring to ensure compliance with HIPAA Privacy and Information Security requirements. Healthcare organizations must also be aware of the type of safeguards their vendors have in place to mitigate any inappropriate exposure of PHI. Hospitals and Individual Providers must also periodically go thru Meaningful use attestation, submit CQM, PQRS, Controlled Substance Prescribed reports.
CareXeon provides ‘Compliance & Reporting’ services to monitor HIPAA compliance and gathers data for Meaningful use attestation, CQM & PQRS reporting. We also provide client specific Business Intelligence, Big-Data Analytics reports.
Compliance doesn’t mean Secured!
With CareXeon your organization will not be exposed to any unnecessary risks, because we employ well-executed IT plans that have been analyzed and tested for repeated success. As part of HIPAA Privacy and Info Security risk monitoring, we review all systems logs, user access logs, trace network access.
We take the Pain out of HIPAA Compliance and ACA Reporting
Value is using our services
• Knowledge and Experience
• Accurate Risk Assessment
• Continuous compliance monitoring
• Provide Visibility to process
• Responsive to mitigate risks
• Take Ownership for Compliance
• Timely Meaningful Use Attestation
• Business Intelligent Reports
• Affordable service fee